RARE BEN JONSON IS DECLARER TO BE TRUE EPITAPH. CorvrlRht 19£7 N. Y. EvtnlnS Post Inc. Aug. 18. -Christopher Mnrley's theory that the famous epitaph on Ben Jonaon's tomb in Westminster Abbey. "O rare Ben Jonson" is not English but bad ...
INTELLECTUAL EVOLUTION OF BEN JONSON. Although he occupies the most remarkable tomb in Westminster Abbey, Ben Jonson is by no means dead. H is "Alchemist" has recently attracted crowded and delighted audiences in London and further ...
... Ben Jonson Is clothed In a left-handed coat, and In Seymour's Stowo 11., 612. 613. will bo found the following epigram referring to tho bust: — 0, rare Ben Jonson — what a turncoat grown! Thou ne'er wast such, till clad Iv stone: Then ...
Craven and Ben Jonson. Lord Craven once invited Ben Jonson ;o dine at his house. At the appointed ;ime Ben trudged off in his usual poor clothes, patched all over, and knocked at lis lordship's door. The astonished porter was rather ...
... Ben Jonson, poet, scholar, playwright and friend of Shakespeare, died and was buried in Westminster Abbey. In the simple slab over his grave was cut the inscription: "O Rare Ben Jonson." Tho real significance of this epitaph ...
... Johnson was born In 1709. Ben Jonson about 1573. Therefore, you see, they were not members of tho samp family nor contemporaries. Ben Jonson was tho most distinguished dramatist of his age, 8hnkeRpea.ro himself having acted In one of ...
RARE BEN JONSON IS DECLARED TO BE TRUE EPITAPH. Corvrl&ht 19S7 N. V. Evening Post Inc. LONPON. Aug. IS.— Christopher Murley's theory thnt the famous epitaph on Ben Jonson's tomb In Westminster Abbey. "O rare Ben Jnnson" Is not English ...
... Ben Jonson, has been selected, not only iis representative of a famous dramatist, bul also as one of the most amusing farces in all literature Performances will take placp in Cambridge at Brattle Hall on Thursday evening; March 30, and ...
... Ben Jonson, the contemporary of Shakespeare who is ranked second only to Shakespeare by scholars familiar with Elizabethan literature. Jonson was one of the most learned men of his time. He was far better educated than Shakespeare ...
... Jonson (1573- 16'57). Jonson tema una perso- nalidad vigorosa llena de ... Benjamin Jonson". Este acto le lio la burla de algunos; desde menzaron a ... Ben", Su influen- cia en la poesia, favoreciendo los idealns clasicos de ...