... Antimachus ( c.400 B.C. ) . A contrast is drawn in the commentary between the text under discussion , where Antimachus , like Theophrastus , referred to the Styx as being in Arcadia ( Antimachus fr . 173 Wyss = F16 Matthews ) , and ...
... Antimachus was a pupil of both Panyassis and Stesimbrotus . Wilamowitz suggested Antimachus studied under Panyassis because he became an epic poet and a pupil of Stesimbrotus because he was a Homeric scholar ( Xenophon , Symposium 3.5 ...
... Antimachus ' approach to Homeric text , a note by Didymus in Venetus A mentions Antimachus ' edition on verse Il . 1.424 extract- ed from the quotation by Aristarchus in his own edition ( fr . 168 Matthews = sch . Did . Il . 1.424b1 ) ...
... Antimachus borrowed expres- sions from the tragic writers , and frequently The composition critics agree . introduced Doric forms . was merely the result of labour . Antimachus is the first of that numerous class of poets of was a ...
... Antimachus ' edition ( fr . 169 Matthews = sch . Did . Il . 1.598a ) . The vulgate version read the Attic form ᾠνοχόει , whilst Antimachus is quoted here as the first who decided to read the Ionic form οἰνοχόει.50 Further Antimachus ...
... ANTIMACHUS , the probability appears to be that they ruled originally , as before advanced , in the regions immediately north and south of the Indian Caucasus . EUTHYDEMUS , a monarch of great capacity , would appear to have been ...
... Antimachus of Colophon , who in certain other respects anticipated erudite Alexandrian poetry ; nevertheless , the longest extant fragment of Antimachus ' elegiac Lyde , the critical evaluation of which was a matter of ( brief ) dispute ...