... ANDREW MARVELL. Messrs. Macmillnu and Co. add Andrew Marvell to their notable "English Men of Letters" series, and no less a personage than Mr. Augustine Birrell does tho introductory part of tho business. And of a certainty Andrew ...
... Andrew Marvell.1' Shade of Andrew Marvell! hear this; and let. some of your descendants blight xvith your honest but withering scorn both the advocated and the advocate. They talk of Andrew Marvel]!-- ^/—aliens in birth, in character ...
... Andrew Marvell, he sent to the nest of the purchase money. .His Lordship was the bearer of a thousand guineas, and having bund Marvell at his lodging, a second floor in a court on the Strand, the golden offer was made. f» ,1 i «^_« TT ...
ANDREW MARVELL Poet and Politician Till FRI» MA AND Of ANDREW. MAKVKl.L. Edited by 11. M houih. M.A. V VoU. 31* W n»t. (Oxlord: at ihu Clarendon Vreca.) With what kocms an «xoess Of roiuldera- lion rrofw*»or Margolluuth h*s not inter* I ...
... Andrew Marvell corrects one or two errors in the accepted biographies of the poet. The D.X.B. states that Marvell was educated under his father at Hull Grammar School, but it ..is now established that the senior Marvell. -while he was ...
... Andrew Marvell, lived in the days when English Puritans were beginning to settle in America to escape the claims of the established church at home (the "prelates' rage"). , ,:-.,! Marvell was a politician ai well as a poet. j>ut J}ISTM ...
... Andrew Marvell, on the boundary wall of Waterloo park, next to High- gate Hill. The inscription runs: "Four feet below this spot is the stone step formerly the entrance to the cottage in which lived Andrew Marvell, sometime M. P. for ...
THE HYMNS or MARVELL ASCRIBED TO. An article in the Oinitia* Wttnest On Andrew Marvell has the following remarks::— K There are three hymns of: considerable merit— one of which ranks among the firrt in our language— included in Learly ...
... Andrew Marvell was born in Kingston-upon- Hull, in 1620. At the age of eighteen he entered Trinity College, whence he was enticed by thf Jcbuits, then actively seeking proselytes. After remaining with them a short time, his father found ...
... Andrew Marvell corrects one or two errors in the accepted biographies of the poet. The D.K.B. states that Marvell was educated under his father at Hull Grammar School, >ut it .is now established that the senior Ian-ell, while he was ...